Saturday, June 2, 2012

I need a name.

I told Bill I needed a name for my blog. It was a weeknight and the kids were busying themselves in their rooms while we sat on the couch, me with my laptop obsessively toggling between my facebook newsfeed and my ESC course schedules, and he coasting through all seven of our tv channels.  Brief stop on a crime show: "How about something with nano in the name?" he suggested. "Nah, but thanks." I had captured his attention, but he was still fixed on the flatscreen. A different crime show: "How about port poems - like a computer port." Hmmm, he's getting creative on me now! I checked - that name was taken.  We instinctively sidebarred into our standard Forrest Gump re-enactment. "Ya can't sit heah. This seat's taken!"  Movie quotes are a frequent occurrence in my house. 

I played ZONE for 37 points in Words with Friends. He settled on a recorded SNL. "Nano narrations is good," he offered. He was stuck on nano.  "Nah, but thanks." I reviewed the schedules for my courses again.  I was getting tired so reading would be tough.  I made a commitment to complete at least a little bit of coursework every day this semester, so this blog had to get created.  I searched Pinterest for some summer skirt sewing patterns.  I want to sew this weekend, I thought.  Oh, inspirational quotes - I love them.  There are a lot on Pinterest.  Makes me want to be motivated to get my degree finished.  I checked to see if my friend had taken her turn in Words with Friends.  An X on a triple letter, nice.  Sigh.  "I can't think of a name!"  SNL was over.  Bill started rattling off computer terms. Byte. Pixels. Monitor. Resolution. "Resolution, I like. It's a play on words." I typed it in my google box. A resolve or determination. Yeah, that's perfect!  He was talking about the screen image, obviously - but it was pretty cool we were speaking the same language.  Relative Resolution.  I like it. 

Relative Resolution will consist of stories about my days as they have recently changed entirely in composition.  I worked in a cubicle for thirteen years before my reckless resignation six months ago.  It was a "good" job, but I hated it.  I am presently working toward a degree in English literature in anticipation of pursuing a Master of Arts in Teaching.  Yes, I'm 37 years old and I quit my job to go back to school to become a high school English teacher.  The more I say and write that, the less crazy is its impact.  So for now I am a substitute teacher, part-time church secretary, CDL student - all the while raising two adolescents.  So, yeah, there are many stories to tell.


  1. Hooray, You have a blog!!! You two are so cute, of course Bill would get stuck on Nano. Amy, you always inspire me, I am looking forward to following you here on the : ) : ) : )

  2. Amy, I LOVE how you write! It captures your attention right away and I can feel everything you are experiencing and telling us about. I can't wait to read more about your life. It's so funny how we parallel each other! Best of luck moving forward. :)

  3. Your blog is lots of fun already! You're a terrific writer so start battling with July and the rest of the summer, and can't wait to hear about it...

